Sunday, August 31, 2008

Potty Training!!

Let me just start out saying that I am/was in no way in a hurry to potty train Chase. I think it is a bad a idea to force potty training on a toddler. Rather I think that you should talk about the whole process with the child, and let them show an interest before you actual start trying. That being said Chase has been interested in the potty for a couple of months. I have been thinking that I need to take advantage of his interest and not miss this window of opportunity.
On Friday, Chase told me as we were getting ready for his bath that he needed to go potty. I was kind of skeptical because he has told me in the past, and he would get stage fright when he got on the potty. He ran over and got his potty seat out of the cabinet, and put it on the toilet. He got up there and he was able to go (and go and go and go). We were so excited! We cheered and sang songs! It was a big deal for him.

Last night he told us that he needed to go potty, so we put him up there. Sure enough. He went again. This time he got some candy as a reward. Abe picked up a bag of candy corn (that is what his mom gave the kids when they were potty training). That is when we decided that we needed to get a potty chair. We went to Target and picked up the potty chair and some Pull-ups.

We came home and put the potty chair in the bathroom. He wanted to try it. He went pee-pee again. It is so exciting. He has used it twice this morning already. We tried a Pull-up for the first time this morning. He kept it dry. We will see where this takes us. Not sure if it will last, but it is fun trying :)

Here are some pictures from a couple months ago and one from this morning on the potty chair.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pea Pod

We needed a compact travel bed for our vacation in September. After some research this is what we came up with. It is called the Pea Pod Plus. Chase loves it. He has already slept in it overnight and for two naps. He did wonderfully. I highly recommend it! The video captures Chase doing his somersaults. He loves to flip around. He was doing somersaults for about 10 minutes after setting up the Pea Pod. It was hilarious. Does the kid ever get worn out?

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Daddy/Chase Time

Chase and Daddy do some pretty serious playing on the weekends and after work. Chase loves to throw the cushions off the couch. He jumps from the couch onto the cushions on the floor. It is crazy, but he loves it!

Abe decided that it would be fun to carry our "little bundle" in our duffle bag that was left out after swimming. We decided this would be a cheap option to get Chase to Cancun in September :) Just kidding! He had so much fun. He didn't want to get out!

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Ironing Board Fun

Chase woke up from a nap one afternoon. I had taken the opportunity to iron while he was napping (I don't iron while he is awake after the iron accident back in January). I was putting the stuff away, and he decided he wanted to lay on top of the folded ironing board. He was still a little sleepy, so he just decided to chill on the board. :) Here are a few pics and a video.

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Our Rockstar!

In the background, you can see (kind of) Chase's Uncle Ben Ben. Ben drinks Rockstars on a daily basis. It is quite fitting that he would own a hat. Chase Decided to try it on. Here is the picture.

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