Monday, July 13, 2009

Parker Robert Green

On July 2nd at 1:52 AM, we welcomed Parker Robert Green into our family. We are so grateful to the Lord for a perfectly healthy baby. The labor and delivery was a little rough, but he was SO worth it all.

Little P has been the perfect addition to our family. He has been such an easy baby so far. He eats well and sleeps lots. He even sleeps for long periods at night. I only wake up about once a night. He only cries if he is hungry or when we are changing his clothes or diapers. Abe keeps telling me not to get my heart set on the fact that he appears to be a mellow guy. That has been one of my constant prayer requests for the past 9 months. He keeps telling me that could change very quickly, but I am going to enjoy it while I can.

We are so very blessed! I am soaking in every minute because I learned the hard way with Chase that the baby days are so short and fly by so quickly. I am spending far less time on the computer which is why it has taken me so long to post this. I am just enjoying my boys.

Here are some things that I want to remember about Parker's first two weeks of life:
*He loves to sleep with his hands up by his face (especially his right hand)
*He does not like being cold. He loves being wrapped in a warm blanket.
*He has big hands and feet.
*He is long and lanky.
*His favorite activity is sleeping in his Boppy.
*He loves when Daddy rubs his legs. He sticks them straight out.
*He has a deep voice. He sounds like a growling little lion when he stretches or is hungry.
*He tries so hard to suck his thumb.
*He loves to be held.

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Stef said...

He is such an adorable little guy, Jess.
I'll pray he stays mellow for you. Ethan was very mellow until 18 months and I've realized he still is pretty mellow, as far as boys go :) I'm go glad you're enjoying these early days. We've learned to do it more with each child. Some people are in reverse - each child gets less and less of their attention. So I'm glad you're soaking it up!! Thanks for the posts - made my night. :)

Sarah Moulton said...

Thanks for the post. He is a sweet little guy. They do get big way to fast!