Monday, January 10, 2011

Long Time, No Blog!

It has been way too long since I have blogged! One of my goals for last year was to not focus so much on capturing memories, but being more in the moment (cliche I know, but very true for me). I focused more on just being with my family. However, I am ready to jump back in and devote a little time to this. Some big things have happened since I last blogged. We found out we are having another baby, Chase turned 4 and is now wearing glasses, we found out we are having a baby GIRL, and Parker is a talking, walking toddler.

Hopefully, I will have some interesting things to write about in the future. I hope to post about our family, God’s work in our lives, some crafts that I have working on, and some recipes that we have tried lately.


Chris and Katy said...

That's great news! Thanks for posting. It's so fun having a little girl around :o). Looking forward to hearing more updates!

Stef said...

yay! so glad you're back :)